
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Teamwork in class

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    Definition of the teamwork is to merge all group ideas in one framework. Today in class, we practiced how to work as a group of three students. There were a several strength and weakness in our group. for example, when we begin to solve the puzzles we started to respond and share ideas with each other. Moreover, our rule in this group to respect colleagues opinion. On other hand, every group most have weakness. One of the weakness we struggle with was the time limit, as we didn't manage the time properly we missed some questions. Also, there are some colleagues didn't participate as much as others. As i said that the time was a big issue for the group but, the answers we done were correct. There are some important things to remember when doing teamwork. Firstly, to keep it under respecting condition. Secondly, prepare the questions before doing them to save time. Finally, all group members should cooperate and give there opinion.


- http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=teamwork&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=606&tbm=isch&tbnid=aXA_uOs9uM4EOM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_8186786_the-concept-of-teamwork-and-cooperation-teammate-s-hands-on-top-of-each-other.html&docid=Njnc72WqbmrgFM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/tomwang/tomwang1011/tomwang101100021/8186786-the-concept-of-teamwork-and-cooperation-teammate-s-hands-on-top-of-each-other.jpg&w=1200&h=801&ei=TjktUYvnDaiZ0QWr64G4DQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=293&dur=2496&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=123&ty=179&sig=104761314099764496132&page=2&tbnh=135&tbnw=203&start=15&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:25,s:0,i:229
Wales National Assembly 

    National assembly is a place were the people of wales can voted for a new laws. therefor, there were made a lot of changes by the power of wales assembly after the referendum. They made a new law called assembly Bills. There were around 20 areas to the wales assembly to competence and listed in 7 schedule. Moreover, the Walsh government uses on it policies underpinning a various methods to consult with stakeholders. There are 5 changes that makes the negotiation not necessary between Walsh government and UK. Firstly, the green papers, it is a discussion papers used by welsh government to consider a new laws. It designed to collect the feedback from public. Secondly, the white papers, it used for the future of particular subject. it gives the feedback before the formal drafting into a bill. Thirdly, the draft bills, it is a draft for the public before being in the assembly. this will allows the changes before Bill's formal introduction.



- http://wales.gov.uk/legislation/programme/assemblybills/?lang=en

- http://www.assemblywales.org/gethome/vote2011/get_involved-referendum.htm

Thursday, 14 February 2013

The New UK Government ..

   British had a new government on 6th called Labor Party and there were two prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. That had been in power since 1997. The new prime minister is David Cameron , the leader of the Conservatives. The Labour have been in power since the end of the Second World War in 1945, so Liberal Democrats have formed part of a government for the first time in 65 years. The Conservatives have tended to favour the free market, privatization and low taxation. The distance between both parties has decreased in the last ten or fifteen years. in the general election the Conservatives won 36% of the votes, Labour 29%, and the Lib Dems 23%.Of the 650 seats in the British parliament, the Conservatives won 306, Labour 258, and Lib Dems 57. For the first time since 1974 there are no party had a majority. British does not have a system of proportional representation (PR) in which the percentage of seats a party holds in parliament is equal, or at least very similar to national vote. In the British system the country is divided into 650 districts (called constituencies) each of them have one representative in parliament (MP). Finally, the lib Dems argues that the electoral system is unfair. Many British people agree. They had to settle for a compromise the Conservative have agreed to a national referendum on a change to an alternative vote system for future general election.



Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The Advantages and Disadvantages of being a member of the EU ..

  The EU was created on the first of November 1993 after second world war. It was consist of six countries as ,Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium,  Luxembourg and Italy. After that the number of countries increased cause of joining other countries. nowadays, There are 27 members stated in the EU. Moreover, the largest city in this Association is London.

  The first major advantage is that this association help people to move easily from one country to others. for example, the spanish people can travel from their country to any of 27 countries without obtaining visa. In addition, the association also have another advantage is the currency. For example, when people travel to other countries, they should not exchange their own currency because they have the same currency in all 27 countries.

  However there are some disadvantage as, increase the number of unemployment. for example, when people are looking for job they will travel to the country that provide many job. however, this could affect on the local people chance of obtaining job. consequently, this will rise the number of unemployment as what are happening now in UK. other disadvantage is, decrease the level of safety, cause of the huge number of immigrants. As, the percentage of crime can increase and it could affect on reputation of the country.

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